The number of businesses who have breached the allergen labelling restriction known as 'Natasha's Law.' - Find a freedom of information request


I am seeking data on the number of businesses who have breached the allergen labelling restriction known as 'Natasha's Law.' As you will be aware, Natasha's Law required businesses to provide full ingredients and allergen information on food pre-packed for direct sale from 1 October, 2021.

1. The number of businesses which breached Natasha's Law between 1 October 2021 and 1 October 2022.

2. The penalty for the breach.

3. If the punishment was a fine, please outline the value of the fine.

4. The name that the offending business traded under, and its address.

5. A breakdown of the business type (supermarket, convenience store, retailer, restaurant, etc).

6. Copies of enforcement letters sent to businesses breaching Natasha's Law

I would like these figures broken down month-on-month.


1. 10 – 1 in January, 3 May, 1 July, 3 August, 2 September

2. Identified breaches have been dealt with by way of advisory visits and written warning notices. Follow up visits and re-samples may be considered in future.

3. N/a

4. The information requested under this question relates to food businesses in breach of legislation that Lincolnshire Trading Standards is responsible for enforcing. The information you have requested is exempt from disclosure under section 31(1)(g) of the Freedom of Information Act.

5. 4 bakers, 1 butchers, 2 sandwich shops, 1 convenience stores, 1 coffee shop, 1 baker/butcher.

6. In the majority of instances when Trading Standards visit and advise a Trading Standards Report (TSR) is left with the Trader. This outlines the business details, the visiting officers details, what was inspected, identifies any breaches and the legislation that has been breached and the required action the business needs to take in order to become compliant. Letters have been sent to 2 traders. The full details of these cannot be provided as they would identify the trader.

This is for the reasons outlined in question 4. 

Reference number
FOI 5234241
Date request received
Date of decision