Pension Fund investments - Find a freedom of information request


1. As of the end of Q1 2022/23 (so 30 June 2022) how much money in total did the pension fund have invested in Thurrock Council?

2. For each investment, please provide the start date, the amount advanced, the maturity date and the interest rate.

3. As of 29/09/2022, how much money in total did the pension fund have invested in Thurrock Council

4. For each investment, please provide the start date, the amount advanced, the maturity date and the interest rate.

I would like to receive the information electronically in a spreadsheet.


Lincolnshire County Council can advise that Lincolnshire County Council’s Pension Fund does not hold any investments in or with Thurrock Council.


Reference number
FOI 5196349
Date request received
Date of decision