The Former library, Holbeach - Find a freedom of information request


Re former Library, Church Street, Holbeach, PE12 7LL.

After the Library re-organisation the building was left empty and currently still is, but it has been claimed it has been sold.

1/ When and who decided the former Library could be sold.

2/ When was the former Library placed on the market for sale and who decided the asking price.

3/ When were contracts exchanged regarding the sale and what was the price achieved.



1. The Co-Op (with volunteers) are the provider of Library Services in Holbeach and made the decision to offer that provision from their store rather than the Library building. Library buildings were offered to those providers who wished to manage them at the time of the reorganisation. As the building became vacant, the building was surplus to the requirements of library services. LCC would then have assessed that there was no alternative service need before making the decision to dispose. The Leader of the Council and local member, along with senior officers, considered the disposal plan and offers made.

2. The library was placed on the market in December 2020. LCC has a team of professionally qualified valuers who would have made a recommendation on the asking price which was agreed by senior officers.

3. The sale completed on 2nd December 2021. The sale price was £170,355

Reference number
FOI 5169589
Date request received
Date of decision