Social care funding reforms - Find a freedom of information request


Please provide copies of the following documents as used by your frontline adult social care teams:

1. Contact Assessment/New Referral/Triage form.

2. Social Care Assessment. If any variations, such as a self-assessment form, please include all types identified.

3. Care and Support Plan.

4. Review of care and support plan.

5. Mental capacity assessment and best interest decision.

6. Safeguarding adults enquiry (s42) form/record.

7. Carers Assessment (of unpaid carers).

8. Carers Support Plan (for unpaid carers).

Please answer the following queries:

1. What preparations are planned or have been completed to prepare for the social care funding reforms (care cap)?

2. Do you, or are you planning to, have a self-service online portal to enable members of the public to track their contributions towards the capital threshold (care cap)?

3. How will you share service user accounts with other local authorities if the client moves area so that their whole lifelong contributions towards the care cap are tracked accurately?

4. What work has been undertaken to estimate how many assessments of self-funders (to calculate their Independent Budget for care cap tracking) are expected to be needed each year?

5. What is this figure (the expected annual self-funder assessments for the care cap tracking total)?

6. What preparations are planned or have been completed to prepare for Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)?

7. How many staff (full time equivalents) are you expecting to be trained to deliver LPS assessments by its expected start date? (where date is delayed please still provide expected figure).

8. What work has been undertaken to estimate how many LPS assessments are expected to be needed each year?

7. What is this figure (the expected annual LPS assessment total)?


1 – 8 Please find attached documents

Queries Response:

1. At this stage we have modelled the potential implications across the adult social care environment aligned to the revised guidance July22

2. This is an option being explored with providers.

3. This is part of the exploratory work being undertaken with system providers

4. From work delivered in recent years, we have an understanding of the adult social care selffunder market to enable us to forecast the volumes expected, these forecasts will become more robust as the reforms work evolves

5. 10,000

6. Lincolnshire County Council established a multi-agency LPS Steering Group in 2019 which meets monthly. Planning is underway following the closure of the DHSC LPS public consultation to provide a central LPS service for Lincolnshire and all future Responsible Bodies are engaged in those discussions. A multi-agency LPS Training sub-group has been established from the Steering Group.

7,8,9. Planning work is on-going, however, this information is not available at this time.

Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and these can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 5128601
Date request received
Date of decision