Pre-packed for Direct Sale (PPSD) food businesses - Find a freedom of information request


1. Since 1 October 2021, how many Pre-packed for Direct Sale (PPSD) food businesses have been inspected to ascertain compliance with food labelling laws? Specifically, in relation to the requirements introduced from Natasha's Law? 

2. Since 1 October 2021, how many PPSD food businesses within your local authority area have been found to be non-compliant with food labelling laws? 

3. Since April 2020 until June 2022, please can you detail any support that has been provided and/or made available to local PPSD food businesses to support compliance with allergen labelling legislation?

4. Since April 2020 until June 2022, can you state the number of PPSD food businesses you have provided support to in relation to compliance with allergen labelling legislation?

5. Please can you detail any changes to environmental health /or food enforcement activities your organisation has implemented in response to Natasha's Law?

6. How many breaches of allergen labelling compliance have you been notified of from within your Local Authority area since October 2021?


1. 33.

2. Nine.

3. Letters and questionnaires have been sent to businesses advising on the new requirements. Business Advice has been provided to those requesting it. Advice has been provided during sampling and inspections visits.

4. 30 proactive advice letters and questionnaires informing of the new requirements. Eight business advice requests responded to – Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) offer a free hour of business advice to all businesses who request it. More businesses may have requested business advice on PPDS requirements, however this is difficult to find in the database, unless ‘PPDS’ has been specifically mentioned. 33 advice and inspection visits.

5. LCC have included in their annual food sampling plan and inspection plans, PPDS food businesses to check compliance with the legislation. This includes formal food samples and premises inspections. To date LCC have taken 31 covert food samples (all sandwiches) and checked for compliance at the time of purchase, covertly (labelling, etc). Food samples were sent to the Public Analyst for analysis. Six of the 31 PPDS food samples were found to be unsatisfactory. All six businesses have been or will be re-visited and inspected, with advice provided. LCC have also identified other premises to inspect in relation to food allergens, based on consumer complaints or intelligence received from partners, such as district council Environmental Health Departments, or LCC’s own desktop research, internet site visits, etc.

6. LCC have received 26 complaints in relation to food allergens, across all types of food businesses. Six out of 31 PPDS food samples were unsatisfactory Nine out of 33 PPDS food inspections identified breaches. All the above breaches relate to 34 premises.

Reference number
Date request received
2 September 2022
Date of decision
30 September 2022