South Thoresby Road, Belleau - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to make a request for information from 2015 to the present.

The information relates to South Thoresby Road, Belleau.

1. How many road traffic incidents have been recorded on this road?

2. How many of these involved farm vehicles?How many resulted in pollution?

3. Are there any plans to increase road safety measures on South Thoresby Road?


1.Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership does not have any injury collisions recorded on South Thoresby Road at Belleau between 2015 and 31st August 2022. That said, LRSP only have records of Injury collisions, and do not hold information regarding other or Damage Only type incidents. Information on these may be available from Lincolnshire Police.



Reference number
FOI 5040224
Date request received
Date of decision