Sincil Bank residential parking - Find a freedom of information request


1. I would like to request EVERY SINGLE piece of data about this.

2. Who requested residents parking in the sincil bank area?

3. Why?

4. a copy of all the 'scans' of the alleged results of these 'surveys' that I and others NEVER got (I don't need peoples addresses, just their responses)

5. I believe this is some kind of scam/fiddle going on. People haven't done their job properly and think that is is ok - well it's not

6. How do you get rid of a residents parking scheme once introduced?

7. There is NO way 249 people out of 6000 voted for residents parking in the Sincil bank area.

8. Why don't you enforce the parking, yellow lines etc you have already?


1. Under the Data Protection Act there is some information Lincolnshire County Council are unable to share with you which is specific to individuals or their vehicles.

2. The City of Lincoln requested that the County Council as Highway Authority, investigate the possibility of extending their permit parking scheme into the Sincil Bank as part of ongoing environmental improvements in the area and in response to a number of requests from residents over the last few years

3. See the response to Q2.

4. Lincolnshire County Council are unable to provide this information without compromising data protection.

This personal information is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) which, by virtue of section 40(3)(a)(i), allows a public authority to withhold information from a response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act when the information requested is personal data relating to someone other than the requestor, and its disclosure would contravene one of the Data Protection principles. We consider that none of the individuals referred to in this information would anticipate or expect such details to be disclosed into the public domain. Therefore, we consider that such a disclosure would be unfair and in breach of the first Data Protection principle which states that “Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully …” It is for this reason that it is being withheld you in reliance on section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act.

5. The correct process in accordance with the Council's criteria requirements for permit schemes has been followed. Currently the consultation process for the traffic regulation order is in accordance with the requirements of the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders Regulations 1996.

6. Should the scheme be introduced the Council will consider any feedback from residents and businesses.

7. The figures supplied to you recently relating to kerbside parking and residents responses are accurate.

8. Parking services advise that they do patrol this area and enforce as and when resources allow

Reference number
FOI 4995893
Date request received
Date of decision