Software usage for adult and children's' social care - Find a freedom of information request


Please could you let me know, for each system used in the delivery of adult and children's social care:

1. Name of system and supplier (or if built in-house).

2. What you use the system for (case management, finances, direct payments, personal health budgets, financial assessments, document management etc).

3. How long you have been using the system for.

4. When the current contract for the system expires.

5. Whether the system is hosted by the council, by the supplier, by a third party or a hybrid of all these options.

6. Where the team that supports and maintains the software operates: within the service area, within IT, outsourced, or a different model (please specify).

7. What the annual cost for support and maintenance is for the software.

8. How many hours of training is provided per user, per year in using the software and whether this training is delivered in person, remotely or through e-learning.


1. Mosaic – The Access Group.

2. Case Management, Some Finance, (Direct Payments), document management and workflow.

3. Since December 2016.

4. 31st January 2024.

5. The Supplier.

6. The MDaS (Mosaic Development and Support team), within the authority.

7. The Total cost per annum is £270,065 (broken down as P2P £24,000 , Business Objects £3,600 , Annual Maintenance & Licensing £83,050 and Hosting of £160,000). NB. Please note these costs are for a combined system that supports both Adults and Childrens Social Care.

8. This varies wildly depending on the involvement and role of the individual user. As a minimum everyone is required to undertake an e-learning training module, then more specific courses are required for most, delivered face to face, or now more frequently remotely. An average of two days but can be more for some.

Reference number
Date request received
17 August 2022
Date of decision
12 September 2022