Looked after children in your local authority - Find a freedom of information request


Please provide the following information about looked after children in your local authority.

Please only include those looked after children who were placed by the local authority in the types of accommodation listed without a parent or other family member also living with them. 

Please treat a looked after child as living in any of the types of accommodation listed if they had been in that particular setting for a continuous 24-hour period or longer by 25 August 2022. 25 August 2022 starts 0.01am that day.

1) The number of looked after children in your local authority who were on 25 August 2022 living in the following types of accommodation:

a) Bed and breakfast accommodation

b) Boats

c) Caravans

d) Holiday rentals (includes chalets, cottages and Airbnb)

e) Hotels

2) Of all of your looked after children living in the following types of accommodation on 25 August 2022, how many were a) girls and b) boys:

a) Bed and breakfast accommodation

b) Boats

c) Caravans

d) Holiday rentals (includes chalets, cottages and Airbnb)

e) Hotels

3) Of all of your looked after children living in the following types of accommodation on 25 August 2022, how many were 1) aged under 10 years;2) aged 11-12 years; 3) aged 13-14 years;

4) aged 15-16 years; and 5) aged 17 years.

a) Bed and breakfast accommodation

b) Boats

c) Caravans

d) Holiday rentals (includes chalets, cottages and Airbnb)

e) Hotels

4) Using the following (Department for Education) codes, please provide the ethnic origin breakdown of looked after children in your local authority who were on 25 August 2022 living in the following types of accommodation:

a) Bed and breakfast accommodation

b) Boats

c) Caravans

d) Holiday rentals (includes chalets, cottages and Airbnb)

e) Hotels

WBRI - White British

WIRI - White Irish

WOTH - Any other White background 

WIRT - Traveller of Irish Heritage 

WROM - Gypsy/Roma

MWBC - White and Black Caribbean 

MWBA - White and Black African 

MWAS - White and Asian

MOTH - Any other Mixed background 

AIND - Indian

APKN - Pakistani

ABAN - Bangladeshi

AOTH - Any other Asian background 

BCRB - Caribbean

BAFR - African

BOTH - Any other Black background 

CHNE Chinese

OOTH - Any other ethnic group 

REFU - Refused

NOBT - Information not yet obtained 

5) Of all of your looked after children living in the following types of accommodation on 25 August 2022, how many had been in those types of settings for 1) fewer than 7 days; 2) between

7 and 14 days; 3) between 15 and 21 days; 4) between 22 and 30 days; and 5) at least 31 days.

a) Bed and breakfast accommodation

b) Boats

c) Caravans

d) Holiday rentals (includes chalets, cottages and Airbnb)

e) Hotels

Please count children as being in the same type of setting for a continuous time period even if they moved within that time period - but only if they moved to the same type of setting (so a child may have moved from one caravan to another, or lived in a series of rental cottages, for example).

6) What was the longest time period (NUMBER OF DAYS) any of your individual looked after children had lived continuously in any of the following types of accommodation by 25 August 2022.

a) Bed and breakfast accommodation

b) Boats

c) Caravans

d) Holiday rentals (includes chalets, cottages and Airbnb)

e) Hotels


1) a. 0

b. 0

c. 0

d. One

e. 0

2) a. 0


c. 0

d. One female child who was living with staff

e. 0

3) a. 0

b. 0

c. 0

d. One aged 15 to 16 years old

e. 0

4. a. 0

b. 0

c. 0

d. WBRI x One

5. a. 0

b. 0

c. 0

d. One young person for over 31 days

e. 0

6. d. 97 days living with staff - moved into a foster placement

Reference number
FOI 4921541
Date request received
Date of decision