Total number of vehicles in the fleet broken down by fuel type. - Find a freedom of information request


1. The total number of vehicles in your fleet broken down by fuel type 

If possible I would like this data broken down by Petrol, Diesel, Hybrid Electric, Red Diesel, Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Battery with a year-end of July 31 or whatever year-end is used internally.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Response from Lincolnshire County Council Transport:

Fuel Type  Number 

Diesel        133 

Hybrid        5

Petrol         3 

Grand Total 141

Response from Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue:

Fuel Type Number

Diesel      188

Petrol        9

Mild Hybrid 1

Hybrid        1

Total         199

Response received from Serco:

On 5/4/22 314 cars were on the Contract Car Hire Scheme,

129  diesel,

74 petrol,

102 self charging hybrid

 9 plug in hybrid

Reference number
FOI 7393901
Date request received
Date of decision