The issue of concessionary bus passes - Find a freedom of information request


The data is used to monitor the current level of patronage vs pre-pandemic levels.

I would like to request some data regarding the issue of concessionary bus passes by Lincolnshire Council. May I please obtain:

1) The number of concessionary passes which were issued and valid in June 2019.

2) The number of concessionary passes which were issued and valid in June 2022.

If breakdowns of the different pass types are available (OAP / disabled etc), this would assist.

Furthermore, if statistics regarding the numbers of applications for concessionary passes for the year 2019 and 2022 are available, this would greatly assist. I appreciate that we are only part way through 2022, so application figures from 1st January to 30th June for both years may be more appropriate.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) Passes issued in June 2019 - Total 1353, 161 Disabled, 1192 Elderly Passes Valid in June 2019 - Total 118,782, 8686 Disabled, 110,096 Elderly

2) Passes issued in June 2022 - Total 2566,

211 Disabled,

2355 Elderly Passes Valid in June 2022 - Total 95,546, 6578 Disabled, 88968 Elderly

Statistics for number of applications is not available, LCC only hold data for those that have been issued.

Reference number
FOI 4882721
Date request received
Date of decision