The fire risk of emollient products - Find a freedom of information request


We are researchers from The School of Pharmacy at De Montfort University in Leicester, working on the fire risk of emollient products when dried into fabrics. This work is in collaboration with the National Fire Chiefs Council.

In light of our work on this matter, we are partnering with the National Fire Chiefs Council Emollient Lead, to gain more understanding of the significance of this risk by obtaining more up-to-date data from the Fire and Rescue Services.    

Section 1

In this section we are asking you to provide numbers of fire fatalities and serious incidents to help us gain more up to date data on the fire risk of emollient products

If you wish to provide more information and are limited by this questionnaire please provide it via email to both or and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

1. How many fire deaths or serious incidents have you reported since 2015 that have involved/been linked with emollient products?

i.e. skin care products, lotions, creams, ointments, gels, sprays, non-paraffin (wheatgerm, nut oil or lanolin based) and paraffin based.

Please use question 2 to also detail any previous data you may have from before 2015/2016 or anything additional

2. Please give details you can on earlier records from 2000/2001 to 2014/2015 and any further information

Section 2

In this section we are asking you to provide more detail for each fatality/serious incident recorded in the year selected above in Q1 and any answer provided in Q2. 

3. What was the age range of the victim/s in each year recorded in Q1 (and others included in the response to Q2 if possible) as:

Under 1, 1-5, 6-10, 11-16, 17-24, 25-39, 40-54, 55-64, 65-79, 80 and over or unspecified

i.e. 2017/2018: 2 fatalities - 55-64 and 65-79

4. For each fatality/serious incident recorded in each year describe:

a) the type of dwelling (private home or care home etc.)

b) source of ignition

c) Item first ignited

d) location of start of fire


5. For each fatality/serious incident recorded in each year please describe more background

i.e. did the victim have a care package, noted as vulnerable, lived alone, a smoker or previously had a safety visit from FRS

6. For each fatality/serious incident recorded in each year how many were entered onto the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme? Please provide a figure for each year



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1.Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue reports 0 fire deaths or serious incidents since 2015 that have involved/been linked with emollient products

Reference number
FOI 4828165
Date request received
Date of decision