Homes for Ukraine scheme (Sponsored Placements) - Find a freedom of information request


I am submitting this FOI about the Homes for Ukraine scheme. The questions are about the scheme in your local authority and cover the period since the scheme opened.

1. How many sponsored placements (guest/s staying with a host as part of the scheme) are currently in place where the guest/s have remained with the same host they were initially placed with?

2. How many sponsored placements have ended early (before the guest/s have been with the host for six months), resulting in the guest/s leaving the host accommodation?

2.1 How many of these placements involved single adults?

2.2 How many involved guest families (adults with children)?

2.3 For those involving guest families, how many involved unaccompanied children (and any other categories that are relevant)?

3. In total, how many Ukrainian children have left a sponsored placement early (please indicate whether these are children accompanied by adults or children not accompanied by adults)?

4. In instances where sponsored placements have ended early, how many times was it the guest/s decision to leave?

4.1 Please state the top three reasons for guest/s wanting to leave a placement (in order of most common).

5. In instances where sponsored placements have ended early, how many times was it the host/s decision that the guest/s leave?

5.1 If possible, please state the top three reasons for host/s wanting guest/s to leave a placement (in order of most common).

6. How many guest/s have been rematched with a new host within the scheme?

6.1 How many of these placements involved single adults?

6.2 How many involved guest families (adults with children)?

6.3 For those involving guest families, how many involved unaccompanied children (and any other categories that are relevant)?

7. How many rematches were arranged by the relevant council/local authority?

8. How many rematches were arranged directly by the guest and/or host (either the current host or the new host the guest/s went on to stay with)?

9. How many rematches were arranged by other means (not by the relevant council/local authority and not directly by a guest/host)? Please indicate by what other means, e.g. by a charity.

10. How many requests for a rematch, by either a host or guest, have been turned down by the relevant council or local authority? If possible, please specify the three most common reasons for these requests being turned down (in order of most common).

11. Of the instances where sponsored placements ended early, how many guests returned to Ukraine?

12. What happened to guests who left placements early (through their own choice or the choice of the host) and were not rematched with hosts within the scheme but stayed in England? For this answer, please indicate how many guests went to stay in temporary accommodation and have not yet been placed in settled accommodation (please indicate if the temporary accommodation is a hotel/hostel or other)

12.1 How many went to stay in settled accommodation outside of the scheme (please indicate the kind of settled accommodation e.g. social/council housing or other).

13. Of the guests who left placements early (through their own choice or the choice of the host) and stayed in England, how many did not go into temporary or alternative settled accommodation? i.e. how many were left without a place to stay?



1. 337 arrangements.

2. Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

2.1 Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

2.2 Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

2.3 None.

3. Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

4. Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

4.1 Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

5. Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

5.1 Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

6. 33 guest groups.

6.1 Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

6.2 Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

6.3 None.

7. 33.

8. Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

9. Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.


11.10 guest groups.

12.Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

12.1 Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

13.Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information. 

Reference number
FOI 4842493
Date request received
Date of decision