Cloud first' policy - Find a freedom of information request


The Government introduced a 'cloud first' policy in 2013 for public sector organisations.

1) Do you have a 'cloud first' policy in place within your authority?

If available please attached copy of policy

2) Are you actively moving on-premise applications into a cloud hosted environment, or replacing applications as contracts expire.

a) Percentage of on-premise applications

b ) Percentage currently in progress of move to cloud

c) Percentage of cloud/SaaS applications


1. Yes - the IT strategy follows a cloud first methodology.

2. Yes LCC are on a cloud journey, and moving on premise applications where appropriate (i.e. if they are supported/supportable/suitable product available for business need).

The approach is mixed and based partially on lifecycle works, and partially on replacing as platforms and requirements change.

a. LCC don't have/calculate this data.

b. LCC don't have/calculate this data.

c. LCC don't have/calculate this data

Reference number
FOI 4681493
Date request received
Date of decision