Bourne Town Council grass cutting - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please can you let me know how much is spent per year by Bourne Town Council on grass cutting green areas?

2. What is the frequency of the cutting throughout the year?

3. Are there KPI's attached to this and what is the length of contract for the current organisation?

4. If there is a complaint or request should this be the responsibility of the Town Council who commission this organisation or should they be advising residents pick this up directly with the organisation?


Bourne Town Council have a Parish Agreement with Lincolnshire County Council and carry out the cutting of highway verges on behalf of LCC in Bourne.

1.They employ a Contractor to do this so would know what they spend on grass cutting.

2.The agreement LCC have with them states that they should cut the verges at least three times per annum but they can choose to cut them more frequently if they want.

3.LCC doesn’t hold any information in regards to the terms of the contract Bourne Town Council have with their Contractor.

4.With respect to complaints members of the public can complain to who they want to. If it came to LCC, we would ask them to check with Bourne Town Council in the first instance.

Reference number
FOI 4740709
Date request received
Date of decision