Gender-specialist services - Find a freedom of information request



- Gender-specialist services: Services which are designed specifically around the gendered needs of an individual. Gender-specialist services for girls primarily refer to specialist, community-based services led 'by and for' women and girls only. In some circumstances, services which offer services for both boys and girls might be included, so long as the distinct service they provide for girls is led by and for women and girls only.

- Girls and young women: We refer to girls aged 14-24 years old. We recognise that some services for girls and young women might be available to a larger or different age bracket, so please do include these in your responses.

Q1. Does your local authority fund any specific programmes or gender-specialist services for girls and young women (aged 14 to 24)? This refers to all statutory and non-statutory services (Y/N).

Q1a. If yes to Q1, please include details (name of service and short description) of the services funded.

Q1b. If yes to Q1, do you provide any specialist support for girls and young women who are Black and minoritised? (name of service and short description of the support that they provide)

Q2. Does your Local Safeguarding Children Partnership include representation from any organisations providing gender-specialist services for girls and young women? (Y/N)

Q2a. If yes to Q2, please include details of the gender-specialist services involved in this partnership. (name and address of service)

Q3. Does the Integrated Care System in your local authority have a plan for supporting Children and Young People's Mental Health? (Y/N)

Q3a. If yes to Q3, please include a link to the plan here, or attach the document in your reply. 

Q3b. If yes to Q3, does your Integrated Care System's plan for Children and Young People's Mental Health include specific references to 'girls' and/or 'young women'? Please include detail if answered Yes. (Y/N)

Q3c. If yes to Q3b, does your Integrated Care System's plan for Children and Young People's Mental Health include commitments to specific provision for girls and young women, such as funding and commissioning of gender-specific services? (Y/N)

Q4. Does your local authority have a local strategy for Children and Young People? (Y/N)

Q4a. If yes to Q4, please include a link to the strategy here, or attach a document in your reply.

Q4b. If yes to Q4, does your strategy for Children and Young People include specific reference to the needs of 'girls' and/or 'young women'? (Y/N).

Q4c. If yes to Q4, does your strategy for Children and Young People include commitments to specific provision or priorities for girls and young women, such as funding and commissioning of gender-specialist services? (Y/N)

Q5. Do you have an up-to-date assessment of the needs of children and young people (aged 14-24) in your area and the services they want and need? (Y/N)

Q5a. If yes to Q5, please include the link here or attach the document to your reply.

Q5b. If yes to Q5, does your local authority's assessment include specific reference to the needs of 'girls' and/or 'young women'? (Y/N)

Q5c. If yes to Q5, does your local authority needs' assessment include specific reference to the needs of Black and minoritised ''girls' and/or 'young women'? (Y/N)


1. Lincolnshire County Council does not commission any gender specific services for girls/young women other than gender related elements of sexual health service

a. Our Sexual health services provide gender specific services for Long Acting Reversable Contraception and Emergency Hormonal Contraception in specialist treatment centers, GP practices and for EHC in pharmacies. LARC include coil fitting and removal as well as contraceptive implants and EHC includes the issue of emergency contraception medication. Our substance misuse services provide specialist groups and workers for girls and young women, but this is part of the treatment service and not commissioned separately. The services include specialist groups and dedicated workers who specialise in the treatment of girls and women to help improve engagement and retention in treatment.

b. No, all our services are inclusive for all ethnic groups

2. No


a. Web page - Transformation Plan - Appendices -

b .No

c. N/a

4. Lincolnshire County Council does't have a single CYP Plan but does have the One Council Corporate Plan, supported by several strategies for various aspects of Children's Services, e.g. SEND High-needs Strategy, Building specialist provision, Early Years Strategy etc.

Lincolnshire County Council’s Corporate Plan underpins our “One Council” approach, which ensures all services are working towards shared goals and will help different areas of the Council work together more effectively.

Further details can be found at

The vision for Children’s Services in Lincolnshire is “Putting Children First – working together for all children, young people and families to be happy, healthy, safe and the best they can be”.

Lincolnshire’s Early Help Strategy is a collaborative approach for every professional working with o or engaging with children and families, regardless of organisation, status or position. The vision for the Early Help system in Lincolnshire is “Putting Children First” and “Working Together with Families to Enhance Children’s Present and Future Lives”.

Further details can be found at: Lincolnshire’s Early Childhood Strategy provides a strong basis to further improve outcomes for children to the end of their foundation stage. The Strategy sets out Lincolnshire’s primary aim to increase the Good Level of Development of children across Lincolnshire.

This includes parents and professionals working together to ensure transition arrangements meet the needs of the child to better prepare children for school and to make the most of their Reception Year.

Further details can be found at:

The High Needs Strategy for Lincolnshire sets out Lincolnshire’s aims and strategic direction to ensure that children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported to achieve the best possible outcomes in school and in life. Partners in education, social 4 care and health are committed to working together to establish an integrated school system where children and young people get the right health, care and education, in the right place, at the right time and are able to transition to adulthood and independence when they are ready to do so.

Further details can be found at:

Building Communities of Specialist Provision Together in Lincolnshire sets out the strategic vision for Lincolnshire in relation to enabling Lincolnshire pupils with SEND to access an integrated All Needs education system which provides excellent education, health and care interventions in their local community.

Further details can be found at:

5. a).please refer to the Lincolnshire Research Observatory website (Lincolnshire Research Observatory - Home (

This contains several Joint Strategic Needs Assessments that relate to the needs of CYP across a number of Children's Services areas/topics, as well as other all-age topics and local area profiles.

As such, this information is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the exemption set out at Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which provides that a public authority need not comply with a request for disclosure under the Act where that information is reasonably accessible by other means. 

Reference number
FOI 4524865
Date request received
Date of decision