Stamford - Day care opportunities

Stamford Day Centre
33 Ryhall Road
01522 843020

Based at Ryhall Rd, our small, friendly & knowledgeable team make sure that everyone is supported to plan their days and get the most out of an interesting and varied range of opportunities. Within easy access of the town, with excellent connections and links to other organisations and community groups, we’re an active part of our local community.

Working with the skills, talents, likes and needs of each person, our aim is to provide a range of meaningful and purposeful opportunities which help everyone maintain and develop new skills, try new things, and make a positive contribution to their town and community.

Our building is fully accessible and welcoming, with a lovely garden, garden room, sensory space, and purpose-built hygiene suite. For a small cost each day we make sure anyone who wants one gets a hot meal. We’re a resource for the whole community, and regularly welcome everyone in to join in our drop-in activities, from Knit and Natter to Gardening Club, everyone can expect a really warm welcome.

Opportunities include:

  • Healthy eating & cookery
  • Creative arts – flower-arranging, music, dance, making cards, gifts, confetti- making things to sell or exhibit. 
  • Gardening & allotment
  • Personal development & wellbeing
  • Sailing
  • Fitness and health
  • Memory & recall skills
  • Drop-in – come along and try new things.

We work with your interests and skills to help you plan a range of interesting and meaningful support that’s right for you.

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