Students receiving Free School Meals - Find a freedom of information request


1. The number of students in your local authority area receiving free school meals, by year, from 2010.

2. The number of students in your local authority area receiving free school meals, who have been identified to have a mental health concern, by year, from 2010


1. The number of children receiving FSM by year from 2010, the data requested is available in the public domain here:

The requester can access the latest data from the January 2022 school census and all the data going back to 2010 (see other releases). At this site you will also find information about the different methodologies used throughout this period including the substantial change to free school meal entitlement made in 2018.

As such, this information is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the exemption set out at Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which provides that a public authority need not comply with a request for disclosure under the Act where that information is reasonably accessible by other means.

2.Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information

Reference number
FOI 4588253
Date request received
Date of decision