Special Educational Needs and EHCP's - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many children and young people do you have in the borough who you class as having disabilities or Special Educational Needs?

2. How many cases are there of people that are currently going through the tribunal process in relation to their child's EHCP?

3. How many children in the borough are currently waiting for an EHCP?

4. How many children in the borough have been waiting for an EHCP for over a year?

5. How many children and young people in the borough are there who have disabilities or Special Educational Needs who are currently in Pupil Referral Units?

6. How many children and young people are there in the borough who have disabilities or Special Educational Needs who have at present left one form of education (for example a mainstream school) but are still waiting for a school place and have not yet started their new provision?

7. How many children with disabilities or SEND needs are there in the borough who are accessing online learning as their primary form of education provision at the moment?


Lincolnshire County Council does hold the information specified in your request.

1. Education, Health and Care Plans – 6,809 SEN Register – this information is available in the link below.

Information about children with special educational needs covering both SEN support and Education Health and Care Plans is available in the public domain at the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/special-educational-needs-in-englandjanuary-2022

The information is available at Local Authority level (for all local authorities) and at regional and national level for comparison. The data is also available at different phases, ages breakdowns and by pupil characteristics such as ethnicity.

As such, this information is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the exemption set out at Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which provides that a public authority need not comply with a request for disclosure under the Act where that information is reasonably accessible by other means.

2. 19.

3. 421 are currently subject to an Education, Heath Care Needs Assessments. There is no waiting list for any children for EHCP’s and this assessment process does not necessarily mean an EHCP will be issued.

4. None.

5. Education, Health and Care Plan – 46 SEN register – 97

6. 67 learners are awaiting special school places.

7. 5 x home tuition 1 x Nisai online learning

Reference number
FOI 4516333
Date request received
Date of decision