Permanent/FTC hires in a calendar year - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many permanent/FTC hires in a calendar year do you make?

2. How do you manage permanent recruitment? E.g. internal team, outsourced etc.

3. If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end?

4. How much did you spend in a year on permanent agency/outsourced recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2019/20, 2020/21 & 2021/22?

5. How many temporary hires in a year do you make?

6. How do you manage the recruitment of temporary staff? E.g. a neutral vend provider, recruitment agencies direct, managed service?

7. If the answer to the above involves a 3rd party, when does this arrangement expire? When will you decide on the future method & procurement?

8. On average how many temporary staff do you have on site?

9. How much did you spend in a year on temporary recruitment per annum to the nearest £100k for 2019/20, 2020/21 & 2021/22?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Circa 850.

2. Internal team.

3. Not applicable – see question 2.

4. Nil.

5. Average 150 for last three years.

6. Neutral Vendor.

7. September 2022, bids are currently open for new contract.

8. 120.

9. The below above refer to Agency staff:

• 2019/20: £5.1m

• 2020/21: £4.1m

• 2021/22: £5.1m 

Reference number
FOI 4411429
Date request received
Date of decision