Applications for Major Alteration or Demolition of Unlisted Historic Buildings - Find a freedom of information request


Please provide the total number of applications for major alteration or demolition of unlisted historic buildings (over 100 years old), for the past five financial years.

The scope of my request deals with unlisted historic buildings in throughout Lincolnshire.

If however, planning permission of this sort is retained at a District Council level please let me know.


Most planning applications are handled by the district councils in Lincolnshire.

However, Lincolnshire County Council handles applications made by its own officers for works to buildings on its own estate. in the past five years, as defined, only one unlisted building which is over 100 years old has been demolished.

This was in the village of Donington and took place in 2019. There have been no major alterations permitted in the time frame.

Reference number
Date request received
23 June 2022
Date of decision
19 July 2022