Dovecot Lane Closure Order - Find a freedom of information request


Bridleway218 OS sheet TF08SE which used to be known as Dovecot lane. The bridleway runs from east of Westlaby manor near Wickenby to west of Fulnetby Hall on the B1399. It would appear that only the centre of the bridleway has been closed and now there are two ends that are legal bridleways Under the FOI act can you advise on the following:

1. Why, under current restrictions, I cannot see a closure order?

2. When was the closure order made?


1. A copy of the Statutory Instrument 1961 707 (made by the Minister of Transport) is attached.

2. The Statutory Instrument was made in 1961.

If you would like to see a copy of this attachment, please request it from quoting the reference number 1598185.

Reference number
Date request received
29 April 2021
Date of decision
21 May 2021