Penalty Charge Notices for the last three years - Find a freedom of information request


In each of the last three financial years (18/19) (19/20) and (20/21) please state how much income has been accrued by your local authority from motorists for all types of motoring expenses, with a breakdown for;

a) Penalty Charge Notices, and where possible a further breakdown by offence e.g. parking ticket, bus-lane fines, etc

b) Parking fees, where possible a further breakdown by offence e.g. parking permits and pay-and-display income, etc


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

a) Link to this data is Parking Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) - Datasets - Lincolnshire Open Data (

b) Link to the yearly reports

Annual Reports - Annual Reports - PATROL (

Reference number
FOI 4557261
Date request received
Date of decision