Flooding data of Rothwell House Farm, Lincolnshire - Find a freedom of information request


Regarding Rothwell House Farm, Lincolnshire:

1. I would like to enquire as to whether Lincolnshire County Council have any records/maps/modelling data of flooding in or around the immediate site or the surrounding site boundary? In particular do you have any information relating to historic flooding, sewer flooding, surface water or groundwater information.

2. Additionally, if Lincolnshire County Council have any other information relating to flood risk and drainage to this site which is relevant for use in a flood risk assessment could you please pass that on to me?


Information on flood investigations can be found at Lincolnshire County Council's website under Flood Investigations

There are no reported instances of internal flooding to this property which would have generated a formal Section 19 Flood Investigation carried out by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) in its role as Lead Local Flood Authority. The online map available via the above link shows where completed and active flooding investigations are taking place within the county. The online map covers all sources of flooding. For guidance on dealing with potential flood risk as part of any development at this site, and in producing a relevant flood risk assessment, the make a planning application page may be helpful.


Reference number
Date request received
1 July 2022
Date of decision
14 July 2022