Summer-born children - Find a freedom of information request


I'm making a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

I would like to know:

1) How many requests to delay reception for a child born April-August to start school the following September (age 4) have you received in the following years; 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022.

2) Of these requests how many have you granted?

3) Do you ask parents to make a case or do you agree automatically?

4) If you ask parents to make a case - of those who do, how many do you grant?

IF I could request this information in the form of tables relating to each of the years for Q1&2, yes or no for Q3 and a table for Q4.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

We discuss every case on a case by case basis for a decision in the best interest of that individual child.

The figures below are for Lincolnshire, so include academy Trusts.

We ask that parents explain their reasons for the application (so not automatic acceptance) but the case will be considered based on whatever is presented so if a parent doesn’t send a supporting letter, we would still consider the case formally.

We do not have data on the numbers that provided no information.

Year Received Agreed Comments
2017 33 26  
2018 22 14  
2019 26 20  
2020 12 10  
2021 23 19  
2022 32 18 6 awaiting decision
Reference number
FOI 4430657
Date request received
Date of decision