Communication Regarding the Resurfacing of Irnham Village - Find a freedom of information request


Under the Freedom of Information Act, I require copies of any communication regarding the resurfacing of Irnham Village.

I require the engineer's report for the following roads in Irnham village where the resurfacing was completed in May this year.

Corby Road, which was costed for resurfacing at £32,980.

Swinstead Road, which was costed at £268,742.

Cawthorpe Road, which was costed at £85,879.

I also require any correspondence referring to this resurfacing.


Please find attached copies of the documents being released to you.

If you would like to see a copy of this attachment, please request it from quoting the reference number 4329422.

Reference number
Date request received
14 June 2022
Date of decision
7 July 2022