Electric vehicle / lithium battery fire - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many electric vehicle / lithium battery fires have been tackled since 2017? (Five years + 2022)

Please present the findings by year:

a. 2022 (so far - Jan-June)

b. 2021

c. 2020

d. 2019

e. 2018

f. 2017

2. Please show the types of vehicles in the data. (EG, cars, bikes, scooters etc)

3. Has the service issued any advice, guidance or warnings around the subject of electric battery vehicle and fires?

4. Did any of the incidents result in significant damage or injury?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Q1,2,4: LFR don't currently record electric vehicle incidents any differently to a petrol/diesel vehicle so won’t be able to provide the data for questions 1, 2 & 4.

3. A San Service Action Note has been sent out regarding Electric Vehicle & LithiumIon Battery Incidents, but this is for internal use only.

Reference number
FOI 4370941
Date request received
Date of decision