The Digitised Version of Your Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way - Find a freedom of information request


1. The digitised version / working copy of your Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way as stored for use in a GIS software application or interactive online map. My preferred format for this GIS data would be one of KML, GeoJSON, MapInfo or Shapefile. I realise that this data is not the actual Definitive Map, but just an unofficial representation of it, which may contain errors. But that is fine for my purposes. (Note that as per ICO Decision notice FER0557948, the underlying GIS data is not exempt from disclosure just because you show a representation of it on an online map on your website.)

2. Your Definitive Statements of Public Rights of Way, assuming these are held in digital form (either scanned copies or native digital versions). I would prefer the information in a re-usable (computer readable) format. If the full Statement information is already contained in the GIS data supplied for part 1, then that will satisfy this part of the request, and there is no need to provide anything separately. If the statements are only held in paper form, then I'm not asking you to scan them. If there is an electronic working copy, then I would be happy to receive a copy of that instead.

3. I see from your online Rights of Way map, that you have a reference number for each Right of Way that appears to comprise a parish abbreviation, a route number, and a segment number. Could you confirm if these references are used on the legal Definitive Map and Statement, or if they're just for convenience in the electronic versions? If the Definitive Map and Statement use a different style of reference / name for each Right of Way, could you please provide details?


1. Please see the attached document.

If you would like to see a copy of this attachment, please request it from quoting the reference number 1700017.

2. Lincolnshire County Council do not hold these electronically – paper format only.

3. The legal names of public rights of way take the form of Parish Name – Status – No. e.g. Skegness Public footpath No.123.

Reference number
Date request received
2 June 2021
Date of decision
22 June 2021