Parking Enforcement conduct of an operative. - Find a freedom of information request


On May 20th 2022 I had occasion to inform Parking Enforcement about the conduct of an operative. As a third party I have no rights to discuss the PCN which is obvious. I do however have the right to complain about an operative's poor conduct . I will include the emails sent and received.

My questions are as follows.

1) What is the procedure for complaining about the conduct of a parking enforcement "officer" for stepping outside the common sense guidelines issued for his job?

2) Why am I disqualified from complaining about an operative who is on the payroll and who's salary I contribute towards?

3) Is it normal operation for the Parking Services team to not sign correspondence?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. All Enforcement Officers undertake their duties in a firm but fair manner and abide by the Councils procedures manuals and policies. An investigation has taken place and it has been found that the Officer in question acted professionally when liaising with members of the public.

2. Enforcement Officers are employed by APCOA Parking and not Lincolnshire County Council. LCC can investigate complaints and allegations about on street enforcement practices (as has occurred on this occasion) but further information relating to complaints about the conduct of an Enforcement Officer employed by our private contractor can be submitted and found via:

3. Unfortunately, due to historic circumstances and the nature of correspondence received by this team, the decision was made to remove names from correspondence sent from the Parking Services E-Mail account. However, internally, we keep a record of this correspondence so that we are aware as to which officer has actioned a reply.

Reference number
FOI 4238346
Date request received
Date of decision