Funding Gap - Find a freedom of information request


1. What is your current predicted funding gap by the end of the financial year 2023/24?

2. What is your current predicted cumulative funding gap by the end of the financial year 2024/25?

3. Has your council estimated the costs of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions? Yes / No / Don't know

4. How much does your council estimate reaching net zero will cost? (Please state amount and any associated timescale) £______________

5. Can your council access enough funding to be able to deliver your emission reduction ambitions? Yes / No / Don't Know


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. £9.335m Deficit

2. £6.480m Deficit

3. No

4. Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information

5. Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information 

Reference number
FOI 4251637
Date request received
Date of decision