Personalisation Day 10 May 2022 - Find a freedom of information request


With regard to the personalisation day 10 May 2022 around the #itsallaboutthepeoplelincs.

Please supply inflation re costs as to:

1. How many people employed in the project (salaried).

2. How many meetings took place around the development of the site?

3. Creation development and hosting of the .info site.

4. Can you advice how many people from organisations where present split in to different names.

a. LE.

b. NHS.

c. LCC.

d. Shine.

e. Everyone.

f. Voluntary sector.

g. Peer leaders.

5. Can you please advise re cost of venue and if food drinks provided and cost of these.


1. No Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) staff are employed in the project. However, one practitioner as part of their role supported workshops and development of the day as it was a system wide event for practitioners.

2. The work is led via the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and they may hold this information, LCC have contributed material.

3. The work is led via the CCG and they may hold this information.

4. The may CCG hold the overall information on attendees who were from a wide variety of organisations. However, LCC had 18 people attending the event.

5. While this was a system wide event, the planning and payment of the event was led via the CCG and they may hold this information.

Reference number
Date request received
11 May 2022
Date of decision
9 June 2022