Core case management system for adult Care - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information.

Please could you provide the necessary information in relation to the following questions for Adult Social Care:

Q1. Which IT system are you using in the department specifically as a core case management system and any other supporting software holding information on individuals supported by your adults care services? Please provide the name of system and supplier.

Q2. For each system identified in Q1, please could you let us know when each of these systems were first implemented and associated cost per year? Please breakdown the total cost of each into license fees, annual support, professional services (training, implementation, consulting etc).

Q3. For each system identified in Q1 please could you let us know what the length of the current contract is and the date the contract ends?

Please return your response by providing the answers as per the below:

System Name:


Length of Current Contract (years):

Current Contract Start Date:

Current Contract End Date:

Annual Licence Fee:

Annual Professional Services or other additional costs:

Annual Support and Maintenance:


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. The system is Mosaic, supplied and hosted by The Access Group, (Was Servelec).

2. The Total cost per annum is £270,065 (broken down as P2P £24,000, Business Objects £3,600,

Annual Maintenance & Licensing £83,050, and Hosting of £160,000).

Please note, these costs are for a combined system that supports both Adults and Children’s Social Care.

3. The current contract ends in January 2024. 

Reference number
FOI 4228181
Date request received
Date of decision