Copies of Inspection Records for Village Street, Dembleby - Find a freedom of information request


We would be grateful if you could let us have copies of inspection records for Village Street, Dembleby in the past 12 months, details of any accidents/complaints in the area and details of work carried out by statutory undertakers in the area.

1. Records of inspection for the relevant stretch of highway including confirmation of the frequency and type of inspection carried out.

2. Maintenance records including records of independent contractors working in relevant area.

3. Records of the minutes of Highway Authority meetings where maintenance or repair policy has been discussed or decided.

4. Records of other accidents which have occurred on the relevant stretch of highway.

5. Records of all works carried out by contractors in the relevant stretch of highway.

6. Any S81 notices served on our client during this time period for the relevant stretch of highway.


1. Please find site history report attached.

2. Please find site history report attached.

3. This information is available on Lincolnshire County Council's Website.

4. There have been no injury collisions reported on the section of road between the A52 and Dembleby village in the last 12 month period

5. There are no records of any works being carried out leading up to the incident on 25 May 2021.

6. There are no records of S81's being issued for the 12 months leading up to the incident on 25 May 2021.

If you would like to see a copy of the attachments sent with this response, please request them from quoting the reference number 1746217.

Reference number
Date request received
8 June 2021
Date of decision
19 July 2021