System Procurement Information - Find a freedom of information request


Could you please supply me the following procurement information in your capacity as a Local Education Authority under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

For each of the categories that follow, could you please answer the questions below as they relate to schools. If individual schools have their own arrangements please make that clear and provide information for each where that is available.

A. Finance systems for schools (financial management systems, FMS).

B. Budgets systems for schools (budget monitoring/planning systems).

C. School management information systems (MIS).

D. Payroll software or provider for schools.

E. HR software or service for schools.


1. Who is the current software or service provider?

2. What is the existing contract spend separated into annual spend and maintenance costs, if applicable?

3. What is the contract's length, when does it end, how long is the procurement notice period and process length, what is the procurement system used?

4. Who is the procurement process decision maker? Please specify their name and role.

5. Do you, as a local authority, mandate (i.e. through an SLA) that your schools use a service package or supplier arranged by yourselves, or are they able to choose?

6. If schools are able to choose a software and services provider, are there any categories in which choice is mandated by you as a local authority while others are left for schools to choose, i.e. a mix and match basis?

7. If applicable, what is the system implementation provider, shared service provider or technical support provider?

8. Is there a system replacement or transformation project being planned, and if so is it to be outsourced?

9. Is there any system integration in between any of the categories mentioned? Could you also please tell me how many schools your local authority supports, i.e. the number of local authority-maintained schools.


Please see the attached response. If you would like to see a copy of this attachment, please request it from quoting the reference number 2878869.


Reference number
Date request received
19 November 2021
Date of decision
20 April 2022