People Accessing Day Services by Provision - Find a freedom of information request


Would you be able to provide us with the following information:

1. What is your current provision? i.e. in-house or independent?

2. What type of provision do you offer? E.g. building based/ community/ educational/ employment/ volunteering?

3. How many people access your day services by provision? (I have swapped this around with number two to hopefully prompt the user to complete by how many people access by provision).

4. Do you provide Transport or are there additional charges? If there are charges what are these?

5. What are your levels of ongoing demand?

6. Do you have plans to increase or decrease the levels of services?

7. What charges do you apply to your services?


1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) provides in house day services currently in 12 locations across the county. LCC also commission external provision through a framework or individuals can take their Personal Budget as a Direct Payment and purchase their own provision.

2. The in-house provision is described in the attached documentation which includes information about volunteering, employment and how and where services are delivered.

Commissioned day time opportunities are a mix some are building based whilst others will be through the community supported living providers who can provide individual support in the community or in the person’s home.

Any of the services described above can support employment and volunteering and this would form part of the outcomes an individual wishes to achieve through their care and support plan.

3. The total number of individuals recorded as having a day service as part of their support is 497 during the year to 31 March 2022.

In house provision is recorded as 235 people.

External commissioned provision is 262 across 62 provisions/locations.

These figures do not include those individuals who use their Personal Budget to purchase a day provision using a Direct Payment as this is not separated out.

4. Transport would be funded/provided if there is an unmet eligible need therefore some individuals are not provided with transport whilst others will be.

If it is required, it is recorded within the care and support plan and considered when the charging policy is applied therefore may form part of the user contribution.

As described in the documentation available at the following link:

Adult Care Charging Policy

5. Expected to remain or increase steadily over time. Please see below for number of starters and leavers within the 21/22 financial year.

Please note this number is affected by the pandemic and individuals making decisions about service provision therefore may not be representative of a normal year.

Count of New Day Service Users, Starting Service in Period April 2021 - 31 March 2022
Count of Persons whose Day Service Ended in Period 1 April 2021- 31 March 2022

6. Regarding in house provision will increase if there is availability and depending on individual needs. In terms of commissioned services individual providers have the opportunity to apply to be on the LCC framework and therefore have access to LCC business.

7. As described in the documentation available at the following link:

Adult Care Charging Policy

If you would like to see a copy of the attachments sent with this response, please request them from quoting the reference number 3809497.

Reference number
Date request received
1 April 2022
Date of decision
23 May 2022