Bristol Way, Sleaford - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to inform you that the recent request has been completed. The hedge is shared with nextdoor, the resident there was an elderly lady who has been admitted to a care home.

I would be grateful if you could enquire as to whether it is possible to make an arrangement with her estate to bring her side of the hedge into line with the work I have done at number  Bristol Way ,Sleaford .

With the sheer effort and amount of garden waste it entails I simply do not have the resources to cut the hedge back outside the vacant property nextdoor to the width of the pathway.

1.If that initial work can be done, I would be willing to try to maintain it until the time comes when the property is presumably sold.

2.I would also like to request any information and correspondence you may have on this subject under my rights given by the Freedom of Information Act.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1.The initial work for the hedge will be completed in due course

2. Please find attached information. 

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.


Reference number
FOI 4078649
Date request received
Date of decision