Bourne Grammar School and the Year 7+ admissions - Find a freedom of information request


1. What is the longest distance taken into account when a child was offered a school place at Bourne Grammar School as per the admission policy requirements for the last five years for year 7 (2018- 2022)

2. Entrance exams for year 7+ for the past 5 years (2018-2022)

-The total number of children who sat the entrance exam,

- the total number of children who passed the entrance exam.

-the total number of children living in the school's catchment area who were offered a place.

-the total number of children living outside the school's catchment area who were offered a place together with their standardized score/ range of score

- The number of children living outside the school's catchment area who passed the entrance exams but did not get a place with their standardized score /range of score.

-the highest score achieved for the exams.

-the lowest score offered on national offer day to a noncatchment pupil and a noncatchment pupil

-pass score of first child on the reserve list.

3. What is the catchment area for Bourne grammar school?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1-2. The school does not take the 11+ score into account when prioritising applicants (they just need to have passed the test), and therefore do not record the score against the application.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Last place offered on distance alone 10.750 miles 7.459 miles 12.304 miles 10.022 miles 10.343 miles
Number who sat 11+ exam 504 556 545 590 569
Number who met the required pass score (220+) 333 407 343 372 342
Range of scores of all who sat the test 220 - 282 220 - 282 220 - 282 220 - 282 220 - 282

N.B. Figures based on those sitting the test at Bourne Grammar school in the Autumn wanting a place to start in Year 7 the following September. The offer data is based on offers made as at national offer day each year (1st March) Bourne Grammar School do not prioritise applications based on score.

Applicants just have to pass the test to be considered i.e., score 220 or above. Bourne Grammar School do not use 'catchment area' as part of its admission criteria and do not therefore prioritise applications based on them living in a particular area.

3. The school does not have a catchment area P

Reference number
FOI 4065417
Date request received
Date of decision