Children's Social Work Team Employed Through an Agency - Find a freedom of information request


Please send me all available details relating to the following questions:

1. Has your local authority employed any entire children's social work team, sometimes referred to as a managed team, through an agency over the last five years?

a. How many teams have you used?

b. Please provide details as a year-on-year breakdown.

c. If so, which area of children's social care were agency teams employed to cover?

d. How long were any agency children's social work teams employed by the local authority - please provide the average length of each assignment?

e. What was the cost of employing children's social work teams, sometimes referred to as managed teams, through an agency, to the local authority over the last five years, as a year-on-year breakdown?

I am also looking for:

2. Details regarding the number of children's social workers employed individually through an agency by your local authority over the last five years as a year-on-year breakdown.

3. The cost to the local authority of employing individual children's social workers (permanent staff not agency) over the last five years.


1. The local authority has not employed any entire children's social work team, sometimes referred to as a managed team, through an agency over the last five years.

2. The number of children's social workers employed individually through an agency through an agency by Lincolnshire County Council over the last five years as a year-on-year breakdown is as shown below:

2017/2018 42
2018/2019 45
2019/2020 40
2020/2021 48
2021/2022 70

3. The cost to the local authority of employing individual children's social workers (permanent staff not agency) over the last five years is as shown below:

Year Amount
2017/2018 10,892,647.82
2018/2019 11,421,999.46
2019/2020 12,089,288.75
2020/2021 12,393,905.11
2021/2022 12,014,846.76

These figures also include Team Managers costs.

Reference number
Date request received
25 April 2022
Date of decision
11 May 2022