Electricity Produced by the FCC Plant - Find a freedom of information request


I have a FOI request regarding the electricity produced by the FCC plant that LCC deals with.

There are lots of claims like this on various sites:

"In 2021, the facility managed more than 170,000 tonnes of waste for Lincolnshire County Council. The plant has produced more than 109,000 MWh of electricity for the national grid, enough to power more than 29,000 homes."

1. I would like to know what happens to this "Electricity" that goes to the national grid?

2. Who exactly makes money out of this electricity?

3. Which companies are used to distribute this electricity?

4. They claim 29,000 homes, can you tell me which homes benefit from this?


1. Electricity is exported to the National Grid via the site transformer to the Western Power Network.

2. Lincolnshire County Councils (LCC) contractor, FCC, sells the electricity to the national grid via a contract with a 3rd party. Lincolnshire County Council can see some rebate from the sale of electricity.

3. Western Power.

4. The amount of energy exported could power the equivalence of 29,000 homes, however information on which homes receive the power is not held by LCC or FCC.

Reference number
Date request received
20 April 2022
Date of decision
5 May 2022