Services, Maintenance and Installation - Find a freedom of information request


I'd like to request some information in regards to the following services.

Listed Services:

  • Laundry equipment supply, maintenance and install.
  • Fire equipment supply, maintenance and install and provision of Fire Risk Assessments / consultancy.
  • HVAC equipment supply, maintenance and install.
  • Catering equipment, maintenance and install.

1. Please confirm your annual spend for the listed services showing a breakdown of contract value and any additional ad-hoc spend for the previous three years.

2. Please confirm where services have been won through a tender or bid process or awarded via framework.

a. Please confirm the incumbent supplier and expected retender date.

b. Please confirm the portal or tender forum you advertise/promote such works through.

3. Please confirm the name and contact details of the person responsible for procurement of the above services.


Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) currently have a contract with VINCI Facilities to provide FM services to the majority of their sites, this is inclusive of HVAC, fire equipment maintenance and the audit of fire risk assessments.

The contract is a 10 year contract that commenced in April 2015 and was a tendered contract. VINCI determine what sub-contractors are used in the contract, with LCC approval.

LCC does not, therefore, procure this work directly.

Until LCC come to retender the overall contract, the council don't know how it will be advertised.

LCC cannot identify an individual cost as this would be covered in the contract price agreed in 2015.

Fire Risks Assessments are completed by firefighters as part of their overall duties and therefore incur no additional costs to Lincolnshire residents.

These assessments are then audited by Vinci as part of the overall property contract (see above).

Where delivery is part of the overall property contract, LCC are unable to provide individual costs for these services.

Those that have used outside contracts are on the attached document.

If you would like to see a copy of this attachment, please request it from quoting the reference number 2098505.

Reference number
Date request received
29 July 2021
Date of decision
10 August 2021