Stotons Gate (PE12 8SB) - Find a freedom of information request


Stotons Gate (PE12 8SB) road surface works carried out between 2018-2022.

1.Costs of work between this period.

2.Description of works carried out between this period.

3.Evidence of work carried out between this period. Current condition of road.

4.Categorisation of road and condition it should be maintained to 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. An estimate of the costs for these works in total would be in the region of £1500.

2. On 2 occasions we have attended this site, filling potholes and depressions with type one stone.

3. Job numbers 5600344 July 21 and 5627828 April 22 as below table, photos also attached 2 showing examples of the repairs and 5 showing the road before repair, the road is in a satisfactory condition given its hierarchy and use.

contract_code job_number site_name job_type_name current_job_status_name actual_completion_date
HI21 5600344 STOTONS GATE MWRK | Carriageway (Minor Works) Job | Complete 23/07/2021 14:26
HI21 5627828 STOTONS GATE MWRK | Carriageway (Minor Works) Job | Complete 12/04/2022 16:00

4. The road is classified as a Green Lane (unmade) hierarchy 8 within our network.

These roads are maintained to a standard commensurate with their use. There is no specified quantifiable condition it should be maintained to, however our responses for potential safety defects are available publicly on our website in the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan, and ultimately the Highways Act 1980 dictates local roads maintenance and is also available publicly.

Reference number
FOI 3944873
Date request received
Date of decision