Consultancy advice within the elderly care sector - Find a freedom of information request


We are a company that provides consultancy advice within the elderly care sector. We are looking to obtain an indication of the standard local authority fees Lincolnshire Council pays for eligible elderly people in care homes or, if no standard flat rate is paid, an indication of the minimum/maximum/average rates paid for each category of care listed below.

This is normally information that the local Commissioning Team or Adult Social Care Finance Team are able to supply. 2021/22 financial year rates:

1. Personal care / residential, elderly frail

2. Personal care / residential, elderly dementia

3. Nursing, elderly frail

4. Nursing, elderly dementia 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Lincolnshire County Council do not have the rates in the format requested - see below for Lincolnshire 21/22 rates

1. Personal care / residential, elderly frail - Standard Residential - £533

2. Personal care / residential, elderly dementia - Do not have this rate but have a Higher Dependency Residential - £587

3. Nursing, elderly frail - We only have on Nursing rate of £588

4. Nursing, elderly dementia N/a 

Reference number
FOI 3869321
Date request received
Date of decision