Council spend on food and drink - Find a freedom of information request


This is an information request relating to council spend on food and drink.

Please provide me with information on any spending by the council on refreshments for council meetings in the past financial year, 2021-22:

1. Please include total spending as well as a breakdown of what was purchased, for example tea, coffee, biscuits, sandwiches, takeaways

2. Please include this for all council meetings held over the last financial year 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

01/11/21 Planning Committee meeting held off site - sandwiches, fruit, cake, tea and coffee - £359.10

11/12/21 Full Council meeting - buffet lunch (sandwiches, fruit and cake) in the absence of on-site catering - £434 12/01/22 Adults Scrutiny Committee - buffet lunch (sandwiches, fruit and cake) in the absence of on-site catering for councillors attending training in the afternoon of their morning committee meeting - £192

18/02/22 Full Council meeting - buffet lunch (sandwiches, fruit and cake) in the absence of on-site catering - £340.75.

Total spend during 2021/22 £1,325.85. 

Reference number
FOI 3863021
Date request received
Date of decision