School vacancies and in-year admissions information. - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to make a Freedom of Information Request for the Local Education Authority of Lincolnshire to provide the following school vacancies and in-year admissions information. (Please note this is a separate FOI from another request on Year 7 admissions.)

Description of information requested: vacancies and in-year admissions for Year 7-11

1. Please provide a list of schools in your local authority with Year 7-11 vacancies as at 30 November 2020 (or at a specified suitably recent date), indicating for each school the number of vacancies for each year.

* If you are not able to provide details for particular school(s) because they handle their own admissions, please provide a list of such schools that you have excluded.

2. For each school and each year group (Year 7-11), please provide the following information on its waiting list as at 30 November 2020 (or at a specified suitably recent date):

* Number of applicants on the waiting list

* For the 1st position applicant on the waiting list, the applicant's position in the oversubscription criteria and his/her distance to the school

3. For each academic year in 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 (to date), please provide the number of in-year school admissions allocated for each school, broken down by:

* Year group

* The 3 terms (Autumn, Spring and Summer) each year

Please provide the information in electronic format, preferably in spreadsheet form.


1&2. Lincolnshire County Council do not hold vacancy information for in year admissions nor do they hold information about school's waiting lists for in year admissions and the pupils offered from them.

Any request for this information will need to be made to the schools directly. A list of Lincolnshire secondary schools is attached.

3. Please find attached however this information can only be provided annually rather than termly as requested.

 Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and these can be provided.


Reference number
FOI 715341
Date request received
Date of decision