Specialist RSE Training for Teachers and Other Practitioners - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Local Authority regarding Relationships and Sex Education Services.

Please may you provide me with answers to the following questions:

1. Please confirm or deny if the LA provides the following services in secondary schools (for 14-16 years olds) to meet the needs of young people. If the LA does provide the service, please confirm which types of schools the LA provides them in (e.g. LA maintained, academies and free schools, independent schools, special schools, alternative provision/pupil referral units).

a. Specialist RSE training for teachers and other practitioners.

b. School nurses to deliver RSE.

c. Specialist training in delivering RSE for school nurses.

d. Funding for external visitors (e.g. from sexual and reproductive health services) to contribute to RSE in local schools RSE curriculum guidance, resources or lesson plans.

e. Healthy Schools scheme or equivalent, including RSE.

f. Information/publicity materials about local sexual health services.

g. Support/training for governors.

h. Other (please detail).

2. Please confirm the amount of money spent by the LA on RSE-related activities (e.g. training, provision of resources, paying for external visitors, providing curriculum support) in all secondary schools in the following financial years:

a. 2019-2020

b. 2020-2021

c. 2021-2022

3. Please confirm the amount of money that will be spent in 2022-2023 by the LA on RSE-related activities (e.g. training, provision of resources, paying for external visitors, providing curriculum support) in all secondary schools.


1. Lincolnshire County Council does not.

2. Not Applicable, see question 1.

3. £0.

Reference number
Date request received
30 March 2022
Date of decision
19 April 2022