Body Storage Facilities - Find a freedom of information request


Under protection of the FOIA 2000 please provide me with all available details regarding Body Storage Facilities.

Information required shall include:

1. Actual Costs for such facilities.

2. Locations of Such Facilities.

3. Start dates.

4. Contracts awarded to whom.

5. Technical Specification.

6. Pre Construction H&S Files.

These body Storage Facilities are schedule to commence Body Storage as of September 2021, hence, I shall need As Built Construction H&S Files.


1. £2,200,159.59.

2. RAF Woodhall Spa.

3. 23/03/2020.

4. Lindum Group Ltd.

5. See attached file 'RAF Woodhall Spa – Pre Construction Information'.

6. See attached file 'RAF Woodhall Spa – Pre Construction Information'.

If you would like to see a copy of the attachments sent out with this response, please request them from quoting the reference number 2302909.

Reference number
Date request received
31 August 2021
Date of decision
6 December 2021