The resurfacing of Red Lion Square in Stamford - Find a freedom of information request


1.Would you please send me copies under the Freedom of Information Act of all communications, hard copy and electronic, external and internal, from 1 JAN 2020, concerning the resurfacing of Red Lion Square in Stamford.

2.I am especially, although not exclusively, interested in the projected costs of different surfacing materials. 


1. Section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information 2000 does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the authority estimates that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate limit. The appropriate limit is currently £450 or 18 hours at a cost of £25 per hour. The exemption under section 12 is not subject to the public interest test Any refined request will be treated as a new request under the Freedom of Information Act.

* These costs were prepared during the feasibility stage of the project.
* The Total Project Cost Range figures include for the whole cost for the project, include engineering, project management and public liaison fees, total construction costs and project risk.
* Whole costs for projects are reported as an upper and lower range of costs to reflect the uncertainty of any risks to the project at the time of estimating.
* Since these cost ranges were prepared, they have been subject to price changes from the impact on the construction industry from Covid, Brexit and inflation.

Options** and Total Project Cost Range:
1. Replace existing 100mm thick York stone setts with bituminous material (tarmac). Cost range: £177,260 to £566,000
2. Replace existing 100mm thick York stone setts with 150mm thick York stone setts with a new mortar bed, new mortar joints and new foundation. Cost range: £735,500 to £1,518,000

**Please note that a third option of replacing existing 100mm thick York stone setts with new 100mm setts with mortar bed and jointing does not have whole scheme costings as this was not progressed as an option.

Reference number
FOI 2853541
Date request received
Date of decision