Community Equipment Service Supplier - Find a freedom of information request


1. Who is the current supplier of your community equipment service?

2. What is the annual contract value?

3. When does the current contract expire?

4. Do you intend to retender this service?

5. If you intend to retender, when do you intend the tender to be released?

6. If you do not intend to retender at this stage how long is the contract extension period?

7. What is the name and contact details of the Commissioner responsible for the procurement of community equipment services?


1. This information is publicly available on the Contracts Register.

You will need to register to access the information, but this is free to do.

2. Please see the response to question 1.

3. Please see the response to question 1.

4. Yes. 5. May or June 2022 and available on the Contracts Register.

6. Please see the response to question 1.

7. Marie Kaempfe-Rice,

Reference number
Date request received
30 March 2022
Date of decision
12 April 2022