Services Available From Your Commissioned Sexual Health Services - Find a freedom of information request


We would like to request the below information about the services available from your commissioned sexual health services.

We have now had two years of routine commissioning for the HIV prevention drug PrEP.

In the national goal of ending all new HIV transmissions by 2030, PrEP is a vital tool in reducing new HIV cases.

We understand that sexual health services have been under pressure, and we want to work collaboratively with those services and decision makers to find solutions to PrEP access. We would like to ask you about your services, so that we can get a better understanding of what the national provision of PrEP currently looks like.

1.1. Name of Local Authority

Section 2

Please respond to the following questions in section 2, for each level three sexual health service you commission in your local authority area.

2.1. Name of clinic/service prescribing PrEP.

2.2. In terms of assessing the eligibility for PrEP, which of the current methods does your service use to assess a patient's eligibility?

2.3. Is this service currently booking new appointments for PrEP initiation for eligible patients?

2.4. Does your service currently have an upper limit or cap on the total number of possible PrEP prescriptions/patients it can accept?

If you answered yes, please answer the below:

2.4.1. What is the current upper limit or cap on the number of PrEP prescriptions/patients?

2.5. How many people are currently enrolled in this service receiving PrEP?

2.6. How long is the average time from requesting a PrEP appointment to PrEP initiation?

2.7. Is there currently any waiting list for PrEP in your service? 

If you answered yes, please answer the below:

2.7.1. What is the current average waiting list time for those waiting for PrEP?

2.7.2. How many people are currently on the waiting list?

2.8. Has COVID affected the number of PrEP appointments available?

2.9. What length of PrEP prescription does the service currently offer for first prescription/initiation (tick all that apply)?

  • 3-month prescription.
  • 6-month prescription.
  • Other - please specify.

2.10. What length of PrEP prescription does the service currently offer for repeat and follow up prescriptions (tick all that apply)?

  • 3-month prescription.
  • 6-month prescription.
  • Other - please specify.

2.11. Please share any data you have about the population prescribed PrEP in this service, broken down by key population groups, specifically, gender, age, sexual orientation and ethnicity?

2.12. Do you have any plans for targeted outreach to communities currently under-represented in PrEP prescribing in your service?

If you answered yes, please answer the questions below:

2.12.1. Are these plans currently funded?

2.12.2. Please share any further details of your plans if possible.

If you answered no to questions 2.12, please answer the question below:

2.12.3. Are there any barriers or reasons why this work is not able to take place? (please specify)

2.13. Are there any PrEP service changes planned or envisaged in the next 6 months?

2.14. Do you have the resources or tools you need to ensure everyone who is eligible for PrEP or might benefit from it is identified and able to access PrEP?

If you answer no, please answer the below question:

2.14.1. What additional resources does your clinic require to increase the identification of eligible patients and uptake of PrEP?


1.1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC).

2.1. Lincolnshire Integrated Sexual Health Service (LISH).

2.2. As defined in the NHS England PrEP Service Specification.

2.3. Yes.

2.4. No.

2.4.1. No cap.

2.5. LCC does not currently hold this information.

2.6. LCC does not currently hold this information.

2.7. No.

2.8. No.

2.9. Three-month prescription.

2.10. Based on clinical guidelines.

2.11. LCC does not hold this data.

2.12. No.

2.12.3. No.

2.13. No.

2.14. LCC does not hold this information.

2.14.1. Not Applicable.

Reference number
Date request received
5 April 2022
Date of decision
11 April 2022