Money Paid as Compensation for Property Damage - Find a freedom of information request


1. In the last financial year (2020/21):

a. How much money was paid as compensation for property damage and personal injury caused by potholes? (Please include legal expenses).

b. How many individual claims did this represent?

2. Please tell me the value of the biggest claim settled in 2020/21, and the location of the pothole that caused the incident. Please provide a brief description of the incident (e.g. cyclist fell off bike going over pothole and broke their leg).

If possible, please break up the cost of the claim between compensation paid and legal expenses.



a. £417,729.44.

b. 1040 Unique Claim References.

2. In 2016, a personal injury claim. Claimant fell off bike after hitting pothole. Theddlethorpe.

  • Total Claim Value: £117,154.22.
  • Damages: £33,665.00.
  • Legal Fees: £83489.22.
Reference number
Date request received
4 March 2022
Date of decision
29 March 2022